The foundation is composed by a Director and a Managing board, comprised by three experts, specializing in different spheres, as well as six people on a civil contract. They all have substantial experience and have participated in the processes of harmonizing national policies, measures and practices with EU documentation, actualizing and redefining of current policies and measures, related with the migration process and the structural needs of the labour market. The Foundation also has a wide range of contacts with national and international bodies, non-government organizations, foundations and others, which are ready to both cooperate for the preparation and participate in the execution of specific projects.

Todor Yankulov | Director

Todor Yankulov is Director of Good Governance Institute. He is a lawyer and has an international “Certified Government Auditing Professional” (CGAP) and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certificate issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors Inc., USA. He is a certified internal auditor in the public sector (national certification). He has graduated the University of Nantes through the Sofia French Speaking Institute of Administration and Management, from where from he has obtained a DESS Certificate of Business Management (equivalent to an MBA). He has more than ten years of experience in various structures, gained at a multinational company operating in the field of voucher systems, and also in organizations in the public sector – The Public Internal Financial Control Agency and the Ministry of Finance. Todor Yankulov has a significant experience in providing legal advice, he has managed audit teams and in the last two years he has been consecutively a Head of Department at the “Audit of EU Funds” Directorate (Audit Authority under the EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund) at the Ministry of Finance and a Director of “Audit of EU Funds” Directorate. He has more than 10 years experience in assessing and strengthening the administrative capacity of public institutions In Bulgaria in terms of financial management and control and more than 10 years experience in regulatory reform by drafting and coordination of legislation in the field of financial management and control. He was a Team leader of four projects related to performance of functional analyses in the public sector and Project Manager of the Foundation concerning the issue of manual work of civil servants, local authorities and NGOs to refugees with special needs.

Silvia Tsanova | Member of Supervisory Board

Silvia Tsanova is a Member of Supervisory Board of Good Governance Institute. She is an Attorney at Law at the Sofia Bar Association. She has experience in the management of public institutions, management of international projects, application of the European legislation and introduction of successful practices in the following fields: management of public units and social policy. As a lawyer she elaborates and manages a project for the establishment of a network of lawyers all over the country in order to provide legal services to public institutions, trade companies and NGOs. She has experience as leader and member of 14 working groups for elaboration of projects for amendment of legal acts, as well as preparation of new ones in the field of the social policy. She gained her experience in applying the “acquis communautaire” and introducing European good practices through exchange visits and trainings in 15 member states of the EU. Silvia Tsanova has expertise in analyzing the workload of the various units in the structures and the number of employees to the functions of activities and in the preparation of proposals for functional and structural oprimizirane and action plan, as well as various projects.

Todor Todorov | Member of Supervisory Board

Todor Todorov is a Member of Supervisory Board of Good Governance Institute. He has a Master’s degree in Finance and a Master’s degree in Mining Engineering. He has an international “Certified Government Auditing Professional” (CGAP) certificate issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors Inc., USA. He has more than eight years of experience in the field of audit and financial control, gained at the Ministry of Finance, as well as during his employment as a junior auditor with the European Commission’s GD Regional policy, Unit 13 – “Control and audit of the ISPA and the Cohesion fund”. He has over 10 years of experience in the field of control, monitoring and management of EU financed projects and programmes. He has experience in examining and analyzing financial reports and summarizing the financial data provided by the ISPA implementing agencies/Managing Authorities for the Cohesion Fund, in monitoring the implementation of the projects financed through the ISPA/the Cohesion Fund, in expressing opinions on documents related to the ISPA programme, in preparing the annual financial statements and accounts of the National Fund, as well as other reports. He has experience in implementing engagements for the development of management and control systems, for risk management and for the development of methodologies and the preparation of working documents (checklists, questionnaires, etc.) in connection with the implementation of specific activities . He has participated in the conduct of a number of audits of the management and control systems in public sector organizations. He has more than 13 years working experience related to the strengthening of the administrative capacity of public institutions in Bulgaria, including: preparation of internal management and control systems for application for EDIS “Extended Decentralized Implementation System” under the pre-accession instruments (Phare and ISPA) implemented in Bulgaria; analysis of the capacity of the ISPA Implementing agencies as regard the process of transition to EDIS. He has participated in various projects, that is, excluding as expert consultant for the preparation of analyzes of the project “Enrichment the Bulgarian labor market and facilitate the integration of immigrants,” Integrated framework for providing gratuitous financial help for realization of activities aimed at putting into practice the “Common Basic Principles on integration policy of immigrants in the EU “, BG EIF 2008/01 and Expert statistical and mathematical methods for analysis of aggregate information on project № BG 051PO001-2.1.05 “Limitation and prevention of the informal economy.

Elza Trenovska | Member of Supervisory Board

Elza Trenovska is a Member of Supervisory Board of Good Governance Institute. She is an economist and a certified internal auditor in the public sector (national certification). She has an international “Certified Government Auditing Professional” (CGAP) certificate issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors Inc., USA. She has participated in audit teams carrying out a series of audits on the management and control systems in public sector organizations. She has more than 13 years common experience most of which related to performance of functional and organizational analysis, analysis of the economic and social endurance, procedures analysis, development of manuals of internal rules and procedures. Elza Trenovska has experience in the assessment and revision of programs/projects, co-financed by the EU, the assessment and revision of management and control systems, execution of analysees of the economical and social durability, research of economical effects of the current environment, strategic and programs legislation, experience in the field of audit of EU resources and the national budget and in developing methodologies and working documents.
She has experience in execution of internal independent review of the organization in key units of the Bulgarian state administration, responsible of the development of policies, related with the Lisbon strategy and fulfillment of the following activities: comparison of the structure of the range and quantity of the state administration in Bulgaria and other EU member-states; a horizontal review of the organization of the central administration of the executive authority, in acordance with the fields in state policy; analysis of the organization and coordination of administrative structures and units, responsible for development of policies, related with the Lisbon strategy in the Republic of Bulgaria.

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